An unfamiliar sound blared abruptly, loud enough to wake me from the dream where I was flying. I like flying dreams. I slowly opened my eyes as I moved my feet off the edge of my bed. BAM! My feet had hit the floor almost instantly. That’s weird, I thought, and sat up straight more awake now. I was in for a shock.
The room I was in did NOT look like my own room at all. I tried to remember what happened the night before. Were we on a family holiday? Where were my parents? Was I sleeping over at a friend’s house? No couldn’t be, I was the only one in the room I noticed. The more I looked around me, the stranger it all became. There were multiple photos of people whom I didn’t know, stuck on the walls around me. One particular girl reminded me of myself, she seemed to be in all the photos. This must be her room I thought. The bookshelf next to me had some really thick big books with complicating titles on the cover, and lots of pink stuff randomly placed around the room – which I quite liked since that was my favourite colour.
I got up and started searching the room for something, anything familiar, pinching myself the whole time to try and re-wake-up again if I could. There was a big camera on the dressing cupboard in front of the mirror. I could reach the dressing cupboard! I will own a big camera like that one day I thought briefly. My eyes flickered to the mirror as it always did naturally whenever reflective windows or mirrors were nearby. It was then, that I started feeling suddenly afraid.
I couldn’t recognize the person staring back at me! It was all kind of blur as well. Since when was my eyesight so bad? I thought. Blurred vision. This has got to be a dream still. A pair of spectacles was on the dresser, if it’s a dream, I’ll play along then, I thought. I slipped the glasses on to find that they fitted me perfectly and my reflection in the mirror still hadn’t changed. I realized it was the same person I saw in the photos on the wall. Looking back at them, I found a familiar face. Two actually. Kristy, and there was Joni. But they looked different too, and very pretty for some reason. How come they get to wear makeup? I wondered.
The sun was shining through the slits of the window blinds. Wherever I am, at least it’s still planet earth. A beautiful view met my eyes as I peeked out the window. Blue sky and puffy white clouds! I like this dream.
The loud noise suddenly started again, giving me a shock. It was coming from this small metal thing on the table that looked like a very very small telephone with no handle. The words blinking on it spelled “C-H-R-I-S-T-I-N-A”. Who is that?? Unsure of what to do with the noisy thing, I pressed a few buttons attempting to shut the noise off. It was music actually. Very weird for a telephone to play music. But pretty cool. A girl’s voice suddenly spoke from the small telephone. “SARAAAAHHH!!!! Are you awaaaake?? Class starting soon! Faster come! I’ll save you a seat ok? Quick ah! Don’t go back to sleep!” Uh… okay. And before I could say anything more, much less ask how we knew each other, she had hung up.
That sounded urgent.
I found clothes in the drawers that fitted me just right and put them on quickly. Bras and things. Pink too! I felt quite pleased with this apparent Grown Up Me body that I was in. I had seen how older girls clasp the hooks of a bra to wear it so it wasn’t difficult to guess how. Just needed a few tries to succeed. Bleh.
The next few moments happened quite quickly. I opened my room door and found my way out of the house. Slipping on a pair of huge shoes on my way out. I ran out the front of the house, and found I needed to run up the aisle in order to reach the main road. There were identical looking houses along the row on both sides. Very pretty.
I got to the main road.
And then, I suddenly realized…
I don’t know where I’m supposed to go.
Or what I was doing here.
And why it was taking so long to wake up?
And where was this dream heading to?
And if it wasn’t a dream, how did I get here?
And how am I gonna go back?
And for the first time since I woke up that morning,
I suddenly felt very very VERY